$99 Social Review: The best go-to place for all your social media services

Among the most effective means to reach out to potential clients is to target the places on the internet where they hang out most of the time – and that is on social media websites. By promoting or marketing a website over social media websites, not only can a business engage a great number of potential clients but can also avail of much less expensive marketing fees if not free. While everyone is free to advertise and promote their business on social media website, not all are able to do it effectively and achieve positive results. If you’re looking for capable hands to handle your social media marketing needs, then there is definitely a name you can rely on – and that is $99 Social.

About $99 Social

Regardless of the business niche, $99 Social is able to provide you with all your social media services needs. While the company still needs a bit of expansion to handle large-scale clients, they are well perfect to address all small business needs. They engage potential clients with a less aggressive yet effective approach to promote a business and to build rapport among viewers.

Not all business owners have the time to spend hours in tracking potential customers on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and many others. $99 Social gives subscribers to ability to reach out to their viewers and potential clients without having to go online themselves. $99 Social ensures that each post is relevant toward the success of the business and is able to build a good reputation among viewers and readers. With this being said, the company makes use of well-designed and written content and posts to drive attention.

Launched in the early months of 2011, $99 Social has been gaining popularity in the field of social media services. Not only do they provide the highest rate of success for business promotion using any social media website, but they are also among the cheapest service providers with only $99 per month.

How it works

New subscribers or clients can easily get started using $99 Social for their marketing purposes through 3 easy steps as mentioned in their website. First is to sign up for an account through the get started button located on the website and enter all the required details on the provided field. Along the details required include personal details along with the payment details wherein the client will be charged after setting up a package or plan of advertising.

As soon as the account has been confirmed via email confirmation, the client needs to provide as much details as possible regarding the business involved. In this part, the client advised to provide even the smallest of details in order for the marketing experts to devise an effective plan for the marketing engagement. Of course the client should also provide some sensitive details such as the social media account log-ins for the company to access. There is no need to worry in this regard since the company has a proven reputation regarding reliability and trust and should be able to provide a non-disclosure agreement with the client.

As a last step, the client can then sit back and relax as the company does all the work. After intensive reviews and assessment on the client’s account and business, the company will star creating content which will be posted and uploaded to the client’s social media pages. In this stage, the social media accounts will be bombarded with daily if not weekly posts and advertising modules and approaches to reach to clients. All the client has to do is watch the reviews and replies from potential customers.

Pricing and services

As mentioned earlier, the website offers an affordable service fee of $99 per month – thus the name. And with this small monthly fee, clients can already take advantage of a great number of services for any social media marketing venture. Among the top target social media websites which the company focuses on include Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, and many others which can be negotiable.

Some of the usually in-demand social media services which are inquired by clients include daily posts and contents updated on Facebook or Twitter, social media profile optimizations to enhance online presence, business and product promotion toward a target location or community, group management, social media account maintenance which include removal of spam messages and blocking spammers, phone as well as email support, and many others.

The best part about investing in $99 Social is that they have confidence in what they do which is why they offer clients with a 14-day money back guarantee policy. This policy simply means that if clients are not happy with their results and with the services they are having, they can simply request for a refund provided it does not exceed 14 days after signing up for the service.

Likewise while the company entertains clients, they also help potential social media marketers by providing positions with the company. Aspiring marketers can submit their resume and application to the website anytime through their posted contact information on the website.

Our final thoughts

$99 Social is not just backed up by almost 10 years of experience but is also supported by a diligent and well-experienced staff that comes from various locations on the globe. The company is composed of independent staff which is fully trained and well-versed in what they do. Depending on the requirement of the client and the quantity of work involved, a client can be assigned to one or more assistants for the job.

It is also worth noting that the website provides an impressive warranty which other social media marketing service providers don’t. By simply looking at this guarantee, clients are able to know that they are working with a reliable and trustworthy website. As well, they are no contracts involved when working with the website. With this, clients can simply get in on their orders and just relax as they watch their business soar.



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