You may have the best products and services in the world however you won’t be able to sell any of those without the right marketing and advertising. The work doesn’t stop right after launching your website and making it live, it needs to reach out to your potential customers and viewers through promotion. However as we all know, promoting a website requires a lot of work and sometimes a lot of cash. The good news is that while website promotion services can be costly, it can also be done on your own. The best thing about promoting a website on your own is that you won’t have to deal with any unnecessary fees.
So without further ado, let’s head out to the details on how you can promote your website on your own for free.
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Work on your website’s SEO capabilities
From the start of owning and creating your website, you should have given a consideration about its SEO capabilities. You need to be aware of the tools, techniques, along with the necessary skills to utilize SEO for your website. SEO is all about getting your website up in the rankings in search engines and it is definitely something that your website should have.
A good way to start with regards to optimizing your website is by looking up the best keywords that you can use for your content. It is best to focus only on a single keyword and maintain your focus on that specific keyword. SEO techniques and tools are regularly upgraded and update so it would also be best that you adapt to such changes every time. By maximizing the SEO capability of your website, you will be able to effectively promote your website with very minimal effort and you don’t even have to publish articles regularly.
Using the social media

Among the best and easiest way to promote a business is through social media marketing. This is for the reason that almost all people are into using the social media in order to reach out to friends, families, co-workers, and even to other business and companies. Thus with this, as soon as a website owner integrates to social media websites, the website immediately becomes a passage way to users from social media websites.
The great benefit of integrating a website to social media websites is that there is a great number of traffic to be expected seeing that social media websites come with a substantial network of users from all over the globe. Also, the best thing about integrating a website with social media sites is that it doesn’t come with any fee.
Content marketing or blogging
Probably the most basic and simplest way of marketing or promoting anything on the internet is through blogging or content marketing. On this process, all there is to use would be a good article writing skill – and a vast knowledge regarding a specific niche or topic.
If you’re just starting out as a new writer, you can simply refer to previously written articles that are related to your topic. It is important that you do not copy exactly the words and content from other sources as this would lead to plagiarism and would certainly incur certain charges and penalties.
Although writing the articles on your own could seem to be a daunting task as this would also require some research and data gathering, constant practice could actually help you perform well in this task later.

Forum posting and back linking
Another way to promote and market a website for free is by simply dropping your content over forums and posts. This is also called back linking wherein you leave a link to your website from posts, forums, blog comments, and others.

The huge benefit of doing this is that you are able to monitor what people are talking about and what they usually want to know. As you read through forums and posts, you are able to determine what topics and subjects would draw your viewers or readers attention.
Using Google local business
Also, you can promote your website or business locally by submitting your website over to Google Local Business. Doing so will enable you to have ideas regarding how to effectively market and promote your website. One great benefit of registering a website to Google Local Business is that you won’t get charged for any fee but you get to access all of their services and tools. You can perform promotional procedures such as submitting mobile ads, giving out pictures of your products, send out portfolios, and even add promotional offers for your clients and potential clients as well.
Although this service if free, the ads and promotional content that you will be submitting will be presented in a very professional way in a big business page on Google. The ads and promotional content will be displayed just above search results and will get better chances of getting visited by users.
Our final thoughts
These methods mentioned above are only a few of the existing effective ways to market and promote any website. Every year, the algorithm changes for search engines and the demands of people also changes. In this regard, it is always important to be aware of such changes and be ready to adapt to them using the necessary tools, programs, skills, and approach.
Although using one of the mentioned methods above could already provide you with a good percentage of rise in traffic, having to use all these methods simultaneously could give you with an even better website traffic performance. Also, despite these methods not requiring or involving any fee or charges, the work involved could be quite complicated as well as tedious.
You will need to make prior researchers and data gather before you can achieve effective marketing and promotion on your own. However like what was said earlier in the previous paragraphs, constant practice usually does the trick. Besides, there are a lot of walkthroughs and videos regarding how to perform these methods online that you can simply refer to in order to avoid mistakes and to master the art of free marketing and promotion.