Content Runner Review: Top-Notch Writers

Score 76%
VA Skillset
Score 75%
Score 70%
Score: COmpetitive 70%

With the increased number of online marketers and businesses today within the internet world which brings about tight competitions, it becomes difficult to reach out to potential clients. 

With this problem at hand, many resorts to various types of promotional as well as marketing strategies and techniques just to get a visit from a potential client. Unfortunately, not all marketing strategies and techniques work for specific businesses and oftentimes using such strategies could lead to the collapse of the business. 

Fortunately, however, there is one traditional marketing strategy that is still being considered today because of its high rate of success – and this is through content marketing. 

Creating content or writing articles has been proven to entice potential clients and it is a way to effectively draw visitors to a website or to a page.

While creating content may sound easy, it actually requires a good level of skills as well as knowledge about a certain topic. Furthermore, a content creator should be knowledgeable of the best sources to piece- up to a good and informative content. 

Among the best content creators on the internet, today is Content Runner and we will discuss just why it is.

About Content Runner

Whenever you’re thinking about hiring a writer to create articles, blogs or content for your business or website, Content Runner would always be a great option. While it is a website that offers writing services, it also serves as a directory for writing service providers. 

Also, the list in the directory is made up of the best of the best so you will know that you will be hiring a professional writer that is well-seasoned and skilled in creating articles or blogs on a specific niche.

One thing that is also noticeable on this website is that the writers are all English proficient and the majority of the writers are native speakers. No one else could come up with the best content than someone who is well-proficient and well-versed in their language which is why the company only works with native English writers. 

Of course, this does not mean that the website closes its doors to other languages. Although there is a ton of writing projects using the English language, there are also instances where clients require a different language for their content. 

This is where other nationalities come into the picture. To be able to work with the company requires an applicant a good amount of experience, a good portfolio of their previous creations or articles can prove skills and proficiency through samples and should be US-based.

While other content providers leave you nothing to use whenever working with them, Content Runner makes use of a user dashboard which allows the client to constantly track and monitor the progress of the project. 

On this dashboard, clients are able to check out the current status of the project, the sources being used to construct an article, the media references, the time and day that the writer is working, and many other details. 

This platform is important for making sure that the writer is always performing his or her job well and an in order to minimize mistakes when creating content.

The website also makes available an export tab which allows users to conveniently transfer, move and send as well as receive contents immediately. This is also highly relevant to business owners who want to immediately transfer content that is written in a word document to a WordPress website. 

With this platform, there will be no more need to transfer every content such as pictures, written content, videos or links to a page from a word document.

Also, the company boasts its unique ideas whenever creating articles. Content within the internet medium is somehow overflowing and sometimes it is inevitable to find other similar content or idea of what is being written or tackled. 

However, with Content Runner, clients are always guaranteed of fresh, unique and authentic content particular only to a website.

How it works

Basically, getting started to work with Content Runner is as easy as signing up for a free account in their website. Upon creating an account, the user can immediately submit an inquiry or request to initiate a project with the website. In the inquiry, the client should be as detailed as possible with regards to the type of project at hand. 

Among the details to be mentioned can include the volume of work involved, the target niche or topic, deadlines, specific templates to use, formatting, and many others.

Once a contract is initiated and approved, the client will have his or her choice of writers which the website will be providing. From the list of candidates, the clients can simply choose which one fits their needs. 

In this process, the client can perform further interviews or tests in order to gauge the level of proficiency of their writer – of course in this process, the website will be intervening in order to avoid any third party interventions and to avoid scams and any fraudulent activities toward and from the client or writer.

When it comes to the pricing, Content Runner is much inexpensive as well as more reliable for the reason that it does not charge a client for an account since the website is a free membership website. Also, the website makes use of an API which allows the user to freely monitor the progress of a project for convenience and to ensure smooth flow of work. Also, the prices are dependent on each project and are usually based on the amount of work involved, the time duration as well as the number of writers involved. Nevertheless, the rates are flexible and clients are always given the most comfortable pricing.

Our final thoughts

So why Content Runner? The answer is actually very straightforward and clear. This is for the reason that Content Runner makes use of a system which allows users to freely manage their projects and files without having to spend much for an account. These are some of the perks which the website has to offer and these things are usually paid from other websites.

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