Taskcoo Review: Best VA’s Online

Managing a business these days takes courage and a good amount of hard work. This is for the reason that the business industry is an ever-changing industry wherein one needs to adapt and needs to move quickly. Unfortunately, not many are able to cope up with the changes and pace of managing a business which results in closure or bankruptcy. This is also due to the unavailability of the business owner or manager to deal with a considerable amount of administrative work. Having to ignore administrative tasks in a business tends to cause a lot of damages to a business. This is the reason why many business owners and entrepreneurs resort to hiring a virtual assistant. Not only are virtual assistants handy and effective in dealing with administrative work, but they are also inexpensive and much cheaper compared to making an actual hire for a person to work in an office.

In this article, we will share with you one of the best VA websites that have accumulated a good amount of experience in the field of VA service that it is very much preferred by many business owners and entrepreneurs. This website is Taskcoo

About Taskcoo

Taskcoo is among the pioneers when it comes to virtual assistants and it started its venture in early 2013. Back then, not many companies and business owners knew of the importance and efficiency of using a virtual assistant to manage an administrative task. Through the years, however, more and more companies have begun to look for VA services providers and Taskcoo is always among their preferred list. It is composed of expert and well-experienced assistants coming from the Philippines and Sri Lanka – both countries of which are well known for their growing popularity in terms of the labor force for technology-based industries.

Back then, they were making their way to handling hundreds of contracts and client inquiries with just a few dozen work force however through the years, they have been able to accumulate a good number of workers and are now equipped with hundreds of well-seasoned and trained assistants who are experts in their own fields.

Taskcoo is also pretty much like a personal secretary that helps get rid of your to-do list with your computer in your business. It clearly demonstrates how it can be reliable whenever rushing a project or when dealing with a task that is too complicated or too detail-sensitive wherein only a professional and trusted person can handle. While the company works on many kinds of projects and accounts, they ensure that the details and information that is being used during a project are kept confidential and are well taken care of.

Among the commonly inquired and posted tasks and projects include personal assistance which covers pretty much the general administrative tasks, customer support services, calendar management, travel planning for business entrepreneurs and business owners, data analysis and management, basic to intensive data entry and research, social media marketing, account management, email handling, website management, website building and design, accounting and bookkeeping, and many others. Basically, any task and project which makes use of the computer can also be done by the assistants at Taskcoo.

They can also perform the complicated tasks of designing images for logos and business banners, create audio files, manage and maintain websites and others.

How it works

Getting started to work with Taskcoo is fairly easy and quick. First of all, you don’t have to worry about any sign-up fees or charges since getting an account is simply free and fast so you can get started working right away.

If you’re a client and looking for your ideal assistant from Taskcoo is then you will just have to send a request or inquiry from the website. You will need to indicate in your message details about the project or task that you are looking to have your VA accomplish. As much as possible, try to be as specific like mentioning which software or program to be used to perform the tasks, the level of proficiency that you are looking for in your ideal VA, years of experience, time of availability for work, if the contract or project is for long-term or short-term, and the quantity or volume of the tasks or project. Once your inquiry has been submitted, the website immediate scans their list of assistants and track down the ideal candidates. Once the best three candidates have been tracked, they will be presented to the client to choose their best pick. All assistants will come with a profile and portfolio which can simply refer to when looking for means to gauge the proficiency of the assistants.

Prior to presenting the client with an assistant, the assistant first undergoes rigorous screening process which involves a series of interviews, tests, assessments and background checks to ensure that clients will be working with a professional assistant and not just someone with less knowledge and skills for the job.

As soon as the assistants are presented to the client, the client can then make a choice on who to hire. On this stage, the client can perform further interviews and tests to further gauge the proficiency of the assistant. Once they finalize their choice, they can proceed immediately to briefing or training the assistant regarding the work involved.

Each and every work and task will be tracked by the client and the website through the tracker and can have frequent screenshots on the screen of the assistant. Clients, as well as assistants, can also use a series of tools that can make working easier and more efficient.

Regarding the prices, there are basically three plans to choose from. These plans include the bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Each of which has a corresponding benefit than the other and as you advance to higher plan, you get a better deal and bigger discount.

Our final thoughts

When it comes to virtual assistants, the experience is basically a huge factor to guarantee success. With Taskcoo’s years of experience in the field, there are fewer chances of failure and more chances of finishing a project on time and maybe even earlier if you’re lucky enough to find the right assistant to cater to your needs in the website.

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