How to Increase WordPress Speed?



The worst possible problem that could befall a website is the poor loading time.  Not only does it pulls down website performance ratings but also shuns potential customers away. When a website is built through a website platform, almost everything in the website begins to shatter whenever its loading speed is low.


So how can we increase a WordPress website’s speed?


Before we head out to the main dish, let us first find out why it is important to maintain speed in a WordPress website.


WordPress website speed – why it is important?



When it comes to potential customers or viewers who are checking out a website, they don’t usually spend more of their time scrutinizing every page. Usually, a person spends only a few seconds to check out a page.


Depending on the presentation of the page and anything that would capture their attention, they would stick around for long seconds or even minutes. Thus without having to catch their attention, they will be as good as gone and any potential profit will be thrown in the bin.


Surprisingly, among the known cause of viewers leaving a website is because of its slow speed. Not many people have the patience to wait for a page to load. In order to fix that, we’ll share with your some tips and tricks on how you can increase the speed of your WordPress website.


Invest in a good hosting service


Just before launching or building your website, you first need to consider the best hosting service possible for your website. Hosting sites provides services, platform and systems that will help keep a website up and running over the internet.


Without a reliable hosting company, a website platform would incur various issues such as page errors and in this case slow loading time. Some of the best hosting service providers demand for a hefty service fee however this solution could also be a lot of help in maintaining traffic to a website and keeping potential customers stay on the site.



Updating systems and platforms


Constant updates and upgrades are performed very often over the internet and it is important that platforms and systems of a website adapts to it. Many hosting service providers can do this particular task however this does not relieve the website owner of the service fees.


Although this task can be performed by the owner on his or her own, he or she should have relevant knowledge with regard to coding or programming in order to update, upgrade or even maintain website systems and formats.


When doing this particular task but don’t have prior knowledge and skill regarding programming or coding, you can simply employ the services of a website administrator or manager.


The right theme for a specific website



WordPress comes with a number of available themes for any kind of website.


The best part about WordPress themes is that they usually come free and are easy to integrate to a website. However, one should still be careful about using any random WordPress themes as these could actually cause problems to a website especially with regards to its speed. usually, the more features and settings a them has, the more coding it has – which means, the more time to read and load those coding.


Ideally, go only for themes that are simple and come with just the right amount of features and settings that you need for your website. Any unnecessary features will only drag your load time down.





Websites also require constant maintenance in order to keep its pages loading smoothly. The whole of WordPress also has tendencies of bogging down over time and if this happens, its database needs to be updated or cleared of any unnecessary files.


Without maintenance, the website will have an overflow of unnecessary or obsolete data which can cause the website to slow down.


When thinking about performing maintenance for your WordPress website, you can either hire the services of a professional or simply opt for a few WordPress plugins related to maintenance. There are a number of maintenance plugins and tools out there and among those that are noteworthy is the WP-Optimize and WP-Sweep – both of which are easy to use and are really effective in cleaning WordPress websites for unnecessary files and data.


Monitor your website


What you can see will be only those that you can manage or control. Thus it is important to monitor as much parts and areas in your website as possible. This gives you with a bigger range of sight regarding the possible problems and issues that may occur and also gives you a hint of the possible solution to those issues.


Poor website monitoring slows down website speed especially when a certain area which has issues has not been explored or maintained. If that specific area is left unmonitored, it will continue to accumulate unnecessary data and files and will tend to corrupt the whole system causing not only slow-downs but also has the potential to bug-down the system.


Very long content


Lengthy contents, blogs, articles, and pages require a great deal of data and often times come with a few links that can drag data speed. As much as possible, try to keep content short and simple.


To do this, your content should be compact with all the necessary and important details that you want to tell your audience or readers. If you need to incorporate more content into a single blog, why not try to break the article in 2 parts or 2 page blogs?


This way, you’ll not only maximize your space and you can present your content in a clean and decent way with all the properly positioned campaigns and images, you’ll also get to draw your readers’ curiosity as they look for the continuation of your content in order to know more.


Optimizing images


A common mistake which website owners make is adding too much or too big images on their pages. While the images may indeed attract the eyes of the reader, it may not be very useful if it can’t even load in the first place.


So, make sure that each image comes with the right size and settings as well as positions in order to optimize website loading.


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