One thing that is usually overlooked when talking about the most important things to consider when building a WordPress website is the web hosting service. With the increasing demand for a good web hosting service for WordPress websites, it becomes difficult to find that one ideal choice that is best for your needs. Among those that are popular web hosting services today are Hostgator, Shared, VPS and many others. One particular web hosting company however is making a lot of noise lately because of its impressive features despite being new to the industry. So what is the best web hosting for WordPress? Our recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate Hosting.
In this article, we will share with you some bits and pieces of information as to why this web hosting company far exceeds others despite being new.
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What makes wealthy affiliate hosting the best?

Although this website has just started in 2005, Wealthy Affiliate hosting company is already well known and already has an established number of users comparable to the more popular and older hosting companies. They boast at least a million entrepreneurs subscribed to their service. One good thing that users love about their service is that they focus more on the hands-on approach for website owners especially entrepreneurs.
Another selling point of Wealth Affiliate is that they provide affiliate marketing training for better profit potential when using their services. Outlined below will also be more of the important factors as to why Wealthy Affiliate Hosting beats its competitions.
The features of Wealthy Affiliate hosting site boasts features which include capability to integrate 25 websites into a single website. By being able to link, integrate or install more website out of one hosting company, a website owner is able to manage websites and businesses easily without having to spend much.
Also, this hosting company has an instant DNS set up so users can get started at working right away with their website. Their services also include a max storage of 30 GB to allow users to play more with their design ideas. Traffic is likewise guaranteed with this hosting site as it provides website owners with at least 500,000 views in each month.
Also, freshies and new website builders and owners are given the comfort to create their own website without the need of much technical or coding knowledge through the Website Builder Interface. Likewise, unlimited email access is provided for subscribers for better accessibility for potential clients.
Another strongpoint which Wealthy Affilates has to offer is its security features. While other hosting websites perform security scans and back-ups on a weekly basis, Wealthy affiliates do it daily. With this kind of security feature, there will be no longer a need for a backup plugin which is usually costly. You website is also guaranteed from malware attacks through their in-house control panel – SiteRubix. For any kind illegal entry, access, intrusion or attacks on a website, this system immediately alerts the owner through notifications and emails. SiteRubix is only unique to Wealthy Affiliate and no other security plug in can be used as an alternative to ensure highest level of security.
Check Out Wealthy Affiliate Hosting Here
When it comes to performance, Wealthy Affiliate hosting definitely works at par with the best options in the hosting industry. With its infrastructure that is constructed with cloud hosting technology, each website owner will be impressed to find its rather better than standard performance rating. It makes use of Amazon EC2 hosting which is used in the same environment as Netflix, Comcast, along with Expedia and others. These sites are known for their impressively fast response time which draws their customers.
Unique to Wealthy Affilate, they offer a 99.9% uptime policy to ensure that websites are up and running all the time to keep their business going. Stability is a common struggle with hosting websites and some even have unexpected downtimes which not only makes any website offline or cease to work but also keeps potential clients waiting.
Uptime for hosting companies refers to the time when the website is up and running wherein maintenance as well as service and security checks are involved. Fortunately with Wealthy Affiliate, they can pull out these processes without having to let the website go idle or on standby.
Customer Support
Of course the customer support of Wealthy Affiliate is another thing to celebrate as they have a staff and team of customer support that are at your disposal for 24/7. Each of these customer support representatives are equipped with adequate knowledge and skills related to website management and construction. You’ll also find that each of these customer support representatives are fellow website owners and have also dealt with the same kind of problems which their customers have.
Check Out Wealthy Affiliate Hosting Here
There are also a ton of tutorials, lessons, tips and advice to expect from Wealthy Affiliate hosting company. Each user or customer is walked through the entire process of building a website, maintaining a website, making profits out of the website and many others. there are simply a ton of knowledge to be received from the tutorials provided the company and it is considered one of the of the perks when subscribing with this hosting company.
Included in the tutorials are how to set up and integrate your website to the hosting platform, how to receive alarms for intrusions or illegal access on your site.
Our final thoughts

Certainly a website owner can choose any hosting company that he or she likes however there is no guarantee for effective hosting when opting for the wrong choice. Nevertheless with the option that we featured in this article, you’ll be sure to find success in managing your website. Also, you’ll be able to learn a treasure chest of sensitive tips and guidelines on how to successfully and effectively manage your website.
With the impressive perks of using Wealthy affiliate, you’ll be sure of guaranteed success and no more hassle in managing your website. Among the most common challenges in owning a website is its maintenance and that it continuously draw in potential clients – Wealthy Affiliate takes of these job.