Outsourced.ph review: Hire your ideal VA today

Outsourcing administrative tasks are among the easiest way to get some load of office work off the hands. Not only is this option fast and easy, it is also inexpensive and saves a lot of time. Basically, there are endless benefits to gain from outsourcing work and the simplest form of outsourcing any kind of job is by hiring a VA. VA’s help business owners, entrepreneurs, and managers deal with the small but repetitive tasks that can sometimes be very daunting due to their considerable volume and repetitiveness. Among the best VA websites that stand out today is Outsourced.ph. In this article, we will share just what it has to offer and why it is a better choice of VA service provider than others.

About Outsourced.ph

Outsourced.ph started out in 2012 with Mike Larcher as its founder. Mike was an Australian Director who has been managing businesses for over 18 years. With this amount of experience, had countless ventures working with a VA and understood the necessity of hiring a VA whenever running a business. Through experience and countless projects with a VA, he then began his venture to build his own company that provides such services. In line with the projects handled by the company come from the agencies and companies managed by Mike which include Yamaha, D-Link, HP, ANZ Bank and many others.

Mike adds, “Outsourced was originally created to support my agency in Australia. My clients and I demanded the highest quality, and through the success of the results of my Outsourced staff I decided to offer this fantastic service to the world.”

The company is based in the Philippines which mean the majority of their labor force are Filipinos. With the ever-improving potential of Philippines in the field of administrative assistance, they are the perfect workers to have in a company. Also, the Philippines is among the developing countries which have a low labor fee which is why it is the ideal location to set up any business. Also, each staff member is guaranteed to be equipped with the essential skills and knowledge appropriate for any kind of administrative task. All workers are English proficient as well as knowledge of the use of modern software and programs that are used in today’s businesses.

As for the recruitment of the labor force in Outsourced.ph, the applicant should be able to display a good set of skills with regard to administrative assistance. Also, the ideal VA should be proficient in the English language and can use various tools and programs as well as systems that are used in today’s business management fields. Likewise, the VA should also come with a good education background as well as experience in the field of administrative assistance. Prior to getting hired, the candidate will undergo a series of interviews and tests to gauge their level of proficiency and competitiveness.

What to expect at Outsourced.ph

One thing that each client should expect at Outsourced.ph is that each project is performed and carried out by proficient and well-trained assistants. The website comes with trained and professional assistants that are experts in specific administrative fields such as bookkeeping, general administrative assistance, website management, content creation and management, customer service, email handling, social media account management, page management, image editing, sound editing, video editing, and many more. Basically, there are no limits with regard to the projects can be inquired at Outsourced.ph. Just as long as the project or task can be done using a computer, it can be handled by the website.

Prior to having the ideal VA for a client, the client should first submit his or her requirements for the project. It should come with precise details as to his ideal VA. Among the details that can be included in a posting are the basic skills sought after the VA, ideal working time, rate or budget, the load or amount of work, software and programs to be used, and the level of proficiency of the ideal VA. With this mentioned, the more proficient the VA is, the higher his or her rate will be. Nevertheless, despite the level of proficiency, the client will still be assured of completed projects having the best-suited accuracy.

With regards to the rates and pricing, this company does not impose on any ridiculous fees which other websites do. They have a fixed rate $8 for the basic assistant level, $14 per assistant if they are on the Mid-Developer level and $22 per hour if they are on the Senior-level developer. In these levels, projects can be done faster depending on the level of proficiency. Although these rates are fixed, it can still be negotiable depending on various factors and on special cases.

As a project progresses, the client can initiate contact with the VA for guidance and for monitoring. Also, the website ensures that the assistant does his or her job by also tracking them via the website tools. For every finished project, the client can then review and request for changes, alterations, corrections should there be a need. This will be free and without charge.

Our final thoughts

What’s interesting about Outsourced.ph is that it is handled by a well-experienced team of managers as well as its owner. With their experience in the field of Virtual assistance, they are able to monitor each project and ensure its success. Having the experience as well can help them reduce the instances of mistakes and errors.

Also, the rates are much more comfortable than popular VA websites today. Although the rates are fixed per assistant, the website still welcomes negotiations for clients with budget constraints and for those with various valid reasons.

Having to work on the website also ensures peace of mind as the client can check the background as well as the profile of their ideal VA prior to hiring them. With this, they will be able to check out the accomplishments of the assistant, reviews, feedback and other information that can help them determine if the VA is the perfect fit for their job.

Visit Outsourced.ph Here

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