PinoyForHire Review: The Best Site To Hire Your Ideal VA

Overall Rating
Score 86%
VA Skillsets
Score 85%
Score 84%
Score: Affordable 85%

The field of virtual assistance is one of the most flourishing industries today. This is for the reason that many jobs and tasks today require the use of a computer and advanced skills and knowledge especially on the technical stuff such as design, engineering, coding, and others. 

With the increased workload for such fields, many companies and businesses turn to VA’s for extra hands. 

Although it is definitely convenient to hire a VA since the worker can work remotely and on times when the employer is asleep, it becomes a challenge if the employer is unaware of the best places to find their VA in the first place. 

Having to hire from the wrong places tend to cause a lot of complications and problems in the long run which is why it is important to hire only from reputable VA service providers. Among those that we’ve personally tried and tested to be a leading provider of a virtual assistant, services are PinoyForHire. 

In this article, we will share with you as to why this website is a reliable source for VA.

About PinoyForHire

As the name suggests, the website has a majority of work staff that comes from the Philippines. ‘Pinoy’ is a shortcut term for Filipinos which are the locals of Philippines. It also has the majority of the leaders being Pinoys however their main offices are located in Novi, Michigan. 

By having the main office located overseas, they are able to draw in more clients and are able to make their business more visible globally.

Launched in the early months of 2016, PinoyForHire had constantly accumulated praise from many local as well as international companies that are seeking virtual assistants. It is a subsidiary of Panda CashBack LLC which is also known for its impressive credibility and customer service satisfaction rating. 

While the website remains a leading provider of virtual assistant services, they also earned a name in the SEO field as they leave clients impressed with their expertise in this field.

It was founded by Mohammed Khonizi after having worked with a few Pinoy virtual assistants. He was so impressed by the quality and speed from his assistants that he thought about establishing a business that could fully utilize their expertise. 

The best thing about having to work with Pinoys is that they have many affordable rates compared to other VA countries because of their low cost of living.

How it works

Whenever a client makes a decision to sign up on the website to find their ideal VA’s, they will immediately be assisted by the HR personnel.

In this stage, the client will have to present all the details and specifics of the project or the job in order to find and trace the best suitable VA to cater to their specific needs. 

Right away, the client will be presented with a list of candidates that are best suited to handle their project. Each of the candidates is carefully screened as well as interviewed and checked for competency and proficiency.

Prior to employing a VA to work with the company, the applicant will undergo a series of interviews as well as background checks in order to assess the skills, experience, knowledge, and eligibility of the applicant to work with the company. 

Part of the assessment will include the use of certain software, program, tools, and websites.  Also, it is a basic requirement that the VA is well-versed and proficient in English since most clients will be coming from English-speaking countries such as the USA.

Although the client will be given a list of choices for the best candidates that they can hire, they can always make a decision to choose whoever they like. They are able to scan through each available VA present in the general list of VA’s. 

They can also perform the series of interviews and assessments provided that it is monitored by the website in order to avoid any third party intervention and to ensure that no fraud or scams are generated for both parties.

Just as soon as the client makes the hire, they can immediately discuss the other sensitive details of the project such as the time which the VA needs to work, how to submit the finished projects, accounts to be managed and used, and so on. In this stage, the client and the VA can also discuss any additional charges that may be involved in the transaction.

Advantages of working with PinoyForHire

The best part about hiring VA’s from this company especially if you’re from US or UK countries is that you’ll get your projects finished at the moment you wake up. This is for the reason that the Philippines is almost at the opposite end of the world for these countries. 

This simply means that while the client sleeps, the VA’s from the Philippines is working. Thus, the client will wake up to a finished project which he or she can just make finishing touches to. And the best part about working with PinoyForHire is the inexpensive rate simply because the Philippines have a low cost of living. Not only does this provide convenience to the client with regard to the workload and time, but also money.

Among the popular projects handled by PinoyForHire include lead generation, CRM management, Website management and design, data entry and research, content management, social media account management and social media marketing, admin support, customer support, and so on. They also provide services for the more technical jobs such as programming, image and audio editing, accounting, and many others.

Lastly, Pinoy VA’s have an excellent eye for detail, they are totally honest, and are fast learners. This is the reason why many countries look to hire from the Philippines whenever they are looking for workers to manage accounts, work on sensitive projects, and those that need a high attention to detail. 

When working with this website, clients are able to access the customer support service wherein the staff will also be a team of expert Pinoys that can ensure that each client gets what he or she wants.

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